My favorite is the mirror trick.

Large mirrors create an illusion of depth as the mirror reflects color and light across the room.
Large mirrors
I'm talking about the largest you can afford. The physics here is simple: the more surface area to catch light and color, the larger your space looks.
If over sized mirrors are beyond your budget, group 5 or 7 smaller mirrors together instead. This will create a style element as well. (note: odd numbers groupings are more pleasing to the eye.)
Mirror placement for Mummies
- Don't overdo it - no need to feel like you live in a fun-house (even if you do....). Usually 2 well placed mirrors are sufficient to create the desired effect.
- Mirrors don't discriminate between indoor and outdoor light sources. Place your mirror opposite a window and double your natural light. Reflecting the outdoors will also bring the illusion of nature into your home. (I said Illusion! March those bugs out of my house!)
- Avoid reflecting clutter (what clutter!?) by hanging mirrors a bit higher than eye level. (Incidentally, this is also a great way to avoid any run-ins with an enthusiastic 6 year old tumbler......)
- Place a mirror so that it catches the reflection of the next room, giving the suggestion of more space. (Another means to keep an extra eye on said entomologists and acrobats.)
"Mirror trick" tricks
- Fake a window by tiling rectangular windows. (wishful thinking at its finest!)
- Make a wall look longer - instantly- by placing a mirror on its side
- Place a mirror behind a light source. The mirror will literally magnify the light's reach